Some common pregnancy symptoms are:
Missed period. This is one of the most obvious signs of pregnancy, especially if you have a regular menstrual cycle. However, some women may still experience light bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy
Nausea with or without vomiting. This is also known as morning sickness, and it can occur at any time of the day or night. It usually starts one to two months after conception, but some women may feel it earlier or not at all. It is thought to be caused by hormonal changes.
Tender, swollen breasts. Your breasts may feel sensitive, sore, or fuller than usual due to hormonal changes. This may happen as early as a few days after conception, and it may last for several weeks or throughout the pregnancy.
Fatigue. You may feel more tired than usual, as your body works hard to support the growing baby. This is a common symptom in the first trimester, but it may also occur later in the pregnancy. It may be influenced by the levels of the hormone progesterone.
Frequent urination. You may need to pee more often, as your uterus expands and presses on your bladder. You may also experience increased thirst and fluid intake. This symptom may start as early as six weeks into the pregnancy and continue throughout.
These are some of the most common pregnancy symptoms, but they are not conclusive. The only way to confirm if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test or see a doctor. If you think you may be pregnant, you should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs, as they can harm the baby. You should also consult a doctor about any medications you are taking or any pre-existing health conditions you have.